Site Terms of Use website belongs to and is operated by Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite Control Inspection, Surveillance and Audit Services Industry and Trade Limited Company. The content of this site; Intellectual and industrial property, including logos, drawings and photographs, are protected by our legislation. This site is a website that aims to inform its users without any fee. From the moment you start using this site, you are deemed to have fully understood and accepted all the matters written below:

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Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite; It has no legal responsibility for the articles, content and visuals prepared and presented within the infrastructure of this website other than the written instructions of the company official, and the content, comments, e-mails and posts prepared using the site infrastructure and content; declares that those who make these are the addressee and responsible for any changes, comments, infrastructure use, copying, pop-up applications, link assignment, e-mail sending, etc., other than the written instructions given by the company officials.

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All kinds of information, statistical figures and data on the Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite website have been compiled from sources accepted within the framework of general evaluations and practices, and their accuracy and adequacy are not guaranteed to meet the needs of the users, to be reliable and error-free in a timely manner. The information on the site is in the nature of general evaluations and is not binding on Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite in terms of commitments and scope of work. Site visitors declare and accept in advance that the information on the site is for general information, that it cannot be used against Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite, and that binding data are only documents and contracts signed by company officials.

Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite shall not be liable for any direct or indirect material and/or moral damages and possible other damages and expenses that may arise as a result of the use of information, evaluations, comments and statistical figures and values ​​on the website or any website accessed by linking from this site. has no legal or criminal liability. The content of the referred websites does not directly reflect the views and opinions of Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite, and Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on the linked pages and does not make any commitments.

Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite has the right to unilaterally change and update these terms and conditions at any time and without having to give prior notice. Any amended, renewed or repealed provision will be valid for all users on the date of publication. Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite has the right to make changes exclusively and independently regarding the content of the site; Site visitors cannot claim rights based on pre-change data or changes.

By entering the Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite website, site visitors will be deemed to have read and accepted the above warnings and statements. In case of any dispute, claim or demand in this regard, these provisions written on this web page and all other computer records belonging to Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite are the sole and correct statement; is exclusive evidence; In case of disputes that may arise, Bursa Courts and Execution and Bankruptcy Directorates are authorized and Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite reserves the right to appeal to the judicial authorities where the addressee's address is located; It is declared by Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite Control Inspection, Surveillance and Audit Services Industry and Trade Limited Company and accepted and undertaken by the person(s) and organization(s) accessing this Tüv Austria Sıla Kalite website.